Sako riihimaki dates of manufacture
Sako riihimaki dates of manufacture

Sako L46 rifles were manufactured in Riihimki (Finland) from September 1946 until. The stock is a Bishop walnut stock with a Monty Carlo and pistol grip.

sako riihimaki dates of manufacture

157 registered members ( oldbowhunter, Bigem1958, Bucks2Ducks, mdf, timberman56, Rolloverdave, Signal26, Jtide, SuperSpike, Whitebone, jono23, Jbf, Chaser1, bass1090, KYLongGun, Mansfield, bward85, TideWJO, bassmaster95, Rockstar007, globe, Skillet, Sus scrofa Reduction Specialist, Stoney, Hunting-231, Floorman1, fish_blackbass, RebFormanUDA, PanolaProductions, hallb, WTPop, Downwind, ALPatriot15, oldforester, birdcarver, William, DeerNutz0U812_, longshot, Turkeytrott82, PikeRoadHunter, TurkeyJoe, ronfromramer, Tree Dweller, 163dm, MikeP, CeeHawk37, foghorn, Slughunter, RLP76, AU338MAG, donia, 7PTSPREAD, rockhunter, JEM270, biglmbass, doc bar, Paxamus, Mike0360, johnv, Cannon Kid, Forrestgump1, DEDTRKY, Goatkiller, Marengo hunter, weatherby, HBWALKER14, YellaLineHunter, headshot, Bronco75, Lil_Fella, Bud Meadows, k bush, gundoc, rblaker, sevenup, BCD, trlrdrdave, Bows4evr, Goose, Showout, TwoRs, J_K, inatree, Geezer, chill, AU_trout_bum, Frogeye, Big AL 76, AUtgr, lukecc, jb20, jameyr, Calvin, Shaneomac2, dtmwtp, GHTiger10, dwaugh, TigerAG16, clayk, Jhud, woodsnwater, Backwoods cowboy, Cutem, KHOOKS, 3Gs, Quack Quack Bang, Jwoods32, Okatuppa, Parker243, Coosa1, roll_tide_hunts, Gobble4me757, Lockjaw, Ryano, Ford12, bodock, CNC, cartervj, Cynical, BamaBoHunter, BPI, robinhedd, WildRivers, rackin'up, zwick, GomerPyle, Skinner, slim68, Fleahopmayor, youngbuck21, Panhandler, Zbrann, brett. I would like to trace the date of manufacture for a Finnbear. The blue is good with some scattered wear and a few blood spots.

Sako riihimaki dates of manufacture