Tom and jerry fight over food tom and jerry fight for milk
Tom and jerry fight over food tom and jerry fight for milk

tom and jerry fight over food tom and jerry fight for milk

While his Heroic Comedic Sociopath persona is commonplace in cartoons, Jerry stands among the few that regularly has it come back to bite him.

tom and jerry fight over food tom and jerry fight for milk

Or, in worst-case scenarios, being killed. He rarely ever knows when to quit and let his obsession with Jerry go, or even learn from his mistakes from being tricked, which results in him earning a karmic beatdown from someone.

  • Stubbornness, occasional gullibility, clumsiness, and obsession for Tom.
  • Enemy Mine: If there's someone who's a nuisance for both of them, Tom and Jerry would put aside their differences to face their common enemy.
  • Other times, Jerry is going out of his way to attack Tom when he's trying to live peacefully, sometimes they team up and end their short as friends or as backstabbers, etc.
  • Depending on the Writer: There's rarely a consistent portrayal of the duo aside from Tom being the one who chases Jerry with little success - sometimes Tom is being sadistic for the sake of it and wants to make Jerry or other animals suffer for fun.
  • While this applies more to Tom, Jerry isn't immune either.
  • The Chew Toy: Being characters in a slapstick cartoon, neither of them are safe from Amusing Injuries.
  • Can't Live with Them, Can't Live without Them: There are multiple moments where Tom or Jerry get the chance to move with their lives and leave their rival for good, only to come back around to happily resuming their feud.
  • Justified as the former is from a larger species than the latter.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Whenever they're paired up, Tom is the "Big Guy" while Jerry is the "Little Guy".
  • Big Eater: One of the few things they share in common is that they will pack themselves full of food given the chance, Jerry because he's a pest and Tom depending on whether he's homeless or not in the short.
  • Their prolonged conflict also forms the basis of most of their shorts and is perhaps the most prominent part of their characters. Rarely does a minute go by without at least one of them trying to kill or otherwise harm the other.

    tom and jerry fight over food tom and jerry fight for milk

  • Arch-Enemies: Their conflict is considered to be among the most famous rivalries of all time.
  • though it's slightly justified considering he loves cheese. Technically, he's not supposed to be in the house eating human food in the first place.
  • Jerry falls into this in many cartoons, as he's not always the innocent victim he's supposed to be.
  • He still wants to catch Jerry, but he has no problems teaming up with him whenever a bigger problem comes along.
  • Depending on the episode and occasionally in the DTV movies, Tom sometimes plays a heroic role.
  • The cat and mouse duo who have been chasing each other for decades since they first met, Tom and Jerry have a complicated relationship that jumps between pure malice and playful antics on a whim, taking their fights to dozens of new homes, landscapes, countries and time periods regularly.

    Tom and jerry fight over food tom and jerry fight for milk