I also remember the second time I had to see that exact same cinematic and how it made me want to punch a hole through my TV. Fade from black, “I see you gather before me, hungry, terrified.” goosebumps ran down my spine, I knew this game was going to be something special. I remember the first time I loaded up TW3. Get Instructions for enabling the debug console here: 19. So you won’t have to worry about breaking it. Doesn’t mess with the game’s source code.Installation is relatively easy and it doesn’t usually require any downloads.A huge amount of possibilities at the tip of your fingertips.How The Debug Console Makes The Game Fun: Want to have every item in the game in your inventory? Debug console and an on-hand fire extinguisher for your CPU.

Want to play as a fully-powered Ciri anywhere, anytime? Debug console.

Want to change some choices you made from your Witcher 2 save? Debug console. The debug console is very easy to access and it offers a wonderful array of new and exciting possibilities. I hear you, but truth be told, before we start downloading things and messing with file-directories and god-knows-what, why not start with a tool that’s already available and tremendously fun to play with? Woah! A list of mods that starts with something that’s not a mod! boy are we off to a running start! THE WITCHER 3 - Geralt vs 500 Witch Hunters (Console commands experiment) Small disclaimer: no nude mods, but it’s not like you’ll have a hard time finding those. So, before you install yet another thirty-dollar expansion for ESO or try to destroy your GPU with Cyberpunk 2077, allow me to show you 20 mods that can help you rekindle the flame with TW3 and hopefully offer you the chance to play it like never before.

And any relationship needs a little reinvigorating from time to time, lest it become stale. Having played the whole thing a couple of times, you’d be forgiven for feeling like it doesn’t have much more to offer. Sure, it might be a nearly-six-year-old game, but I’ll be damned if it hasn’t aged wonderfully. In its heyday, The Witcher 3 was the go-to whenever you wanted an example of the technical and storytelling capabilities of triple-A games. Hell, when I bought the very laptop I’m writing this article in (don’t shame me, pc builders) every review site used The Witcher 3 to test it against similar models. I still remember the days where any new piece of gaming hardware, any driver update, and any new performance-related feature benchmarked The Witcher 3 as its selling-point. Play the game in a brand-new way and fall in love with it all over again!